7. Juni 2012 |
Grizzlybären-Jagd direkt vor einer Lodge für Angler und Bärbeobachter. Ein Beispiel für das skrupellose Töten von Trophäenjägern |
„Hunter accused of shooting at Grizzly bear near Vancouver Island lodge“ war der Titel eines Artikels von Judith Lavoie im Times Colonist vom 3. Juni 2012. Sie beschreibt einen Vorfall, der sich Ende Mai vor der Forward Harbour Lodge abgespielt hat. Die Lodge liegt auf dem Festland im Central Coast-Gebiet und ist nur mit dem Boot oder Wasserflugzeug erreichbar. Die Bewohner der Lodge seien noch nie von Bären belästigt worden. „… a licensed hunter turned up at the dock in front of the lodge and asked if it would be all right to shoot one of the bears on the beach, said Hindbo’s son, Marv Minty. ‘I explained that we are a licensed tourist lodge and the owner did not like the idea at all and could he please find somewhere else to hunt’, Minty said. ‘Disregarding our request, he returned, shooting and probably leaving a large, wounded, pissed-off grizzly for two disabled seniors and a eighty-year-old woman to deal with.’ The hunter said he fired two high-powered rifle shots into the bear from about 100 metres, but then could not find it and left two hours later without establishing whether the bear was injured, Minty said. ‘As he was leaving he said ‘I don’t know how I could have missed’,’ Minty said.“ |
Nach Vorschriften der Provinz BC dürfen Jäger ihre Waffen nicht im Umkreis von 100 Metern um Gebäude einsetzen. Nach dem Wildlife Act muss jemand, der ein Tier tötet oder verletzt, jede zumutbare Anstrengung unternehmen, es zu finden. Der stümperhafte und eventuell auch illegale Jagdversuch dieses Trophäenjägers wurde der Polizei gemeldet. Rod Pick von der Polizei in Sayward erklärte: „A grizzly bear can be quite aggressive and an injured bear is more likely to go into the community where there’s an easier food supply … Most responsible hunters will go to extreme measures. If they believe they have shot an animal, they will do their best to track it down and find that animal.“ Isabel Hindbo, die Lodgebesitzerin meinte, dass der 500-kg-Grizzly den Kugeln des Jägers eventuell entkommen sein könnte. Sie habe am nächsten Tag einen sehr ähnlich aussehenden Bären beobachtet, der wieder am Strand aufgetaucht sei, jedoch extrem nervös und vorsichtig gewesen sei. Der Jäger habe nach seinen Schüssen noch den ganzen Tag lang den Strand beobachtet. Judith Lavoie beschreibt den weiteren Ablauf, den Hindbo erlebt hat: „‘Then at 5 a.m. the next morning, he kayaked on to the beach and snuck into the trees and fired two shots’, she said. Hindbo said she is not against all hunting and some family members hunt deer for food. However, she cannot understand why someone wants to shoot grizzlies. ‘I don’t see any sense to that. Live and let live’, she said.“ |
Stolz posierende Trophäenjäger mit erlegtem Grizzlybären |
© Raincoast Conservation Foundation |
Auch Ian McAllister von Pacific Wild beschreibt in seinem Artikel „A Park for killing“ (Great Bear Blog, 24. Mai 2012) seine erschütternden Erlebnisse mit Trophäenjägern bei seinem Besuch des Kwatna River Ende letzten Monats: „Upon entering the inlet I am met out in the bay by Jason Moody, one oft he Nuxalk Bear Patrol Watchmen from Bella Coola … Jason informs me that two groups of trophy hunters have just been dropped off and as I scan the estuary I can see the fully camouflaged hunters working their way up the river. Jason’s presence here uncovers what appears to be the illegal transportation of one of the groups of hunters. It is illegal under the Wildlife Act for resident hunters to pay for transportation from someone without a valid transportation license. This law ensures that only licensed guide outfitters, or those with a valid transport license, can legally move hunters in BC. The hunters upriver have just come from the mainland community of Bella Coola and while the remote town has made progress in recent years transitioning from a resource liquidation economy to one that values natural capital I am reminded that it still suffers from the reputation of being the bear killing capital of BC. |
Saying goodbye to Jason, I travel with the rising tide up the estuary. The joy of being in a river system like this in the peak of spring has been replaced by the painful anticipation of rifle shots and dead wildlife. Scanning the estuary I find two white faces peering out of the dark edge of the rainforest. They are in a blind with a commanding view of the bears’ favourite sedge meadows. I can see the stainless barrels and hi-powered scopes poking through the spruce and cedar boughs. What should be a simple call to the local Conservation Officer Service in Williams Lake reporting poachers in a park turns to frustration. Because here, in the middle of the Great Bear Rainforest, in a fully legislated Conservancy area (that is meant to be managed as a Class A Provincial Park), it is perfectly legal to hunt wolves, bears and other carnivores. |
A bear emerges from the estuary between my boat and the hidden hunters … A mom and her large three-year old cub with heads down, appears to begin grassing on sedge further down from me. I can see the hunters nervously glancing from me to the bears and I wonder if they would risk a shot with me so close. Another lone female appears briefly. It is not illegal to kill a female grizzly bear and although frowned upon by government, it is estimated that over 30 % of bears killed on the coast are female. Another estimate that gets thrown about and should be of concern to anyone traveling in parks where trophy hunting is allowed, is that 20 % of bears shot at and hit are never recovered. This dramatically increases human safety concerns as there is a good chance that a bear in a park may be a wounded … |
First light has two wolves coming from up-river; each one takes a bank of a side channel, hoping for a Sitka black-tailed deer or a sleepy Canada goose. The human hunters are back in their hidden blind. Perhaps they never left. They have the advantage of being downwind of the wolves – I start the engine and move up a side channel to push the wolves to the opposite side of the river. The reddish coats contrast against the bright luminescent sedge fields. Again I see nervous glances coming from the forest edge between the wolves and me. Wolves, such as these are considered a bonus for trophy hunters, a species that can be killed with no special permit or mandatory reporting requirements. Basically they are classified as vermin to the B.C. government. Even a goose, duck or deer hunter has to buy a special permit to kill any of those species, but for wolves no special permits are required. Today, at least these two wolves will see another sunrise. |
Herding wolves and bears away from trophy hunters in a park is absurd and I wonder why it should have to happen at all. What exactly are these so called ‘protected areas’ actually protecting? Parks, such as this, are places that the majority of British Columbians and countless people abroad believe offer a certain basic level of protection for wildlife … |
The recently protected conservancies in the Great Bear remain ‘paper parks’ while trophy hunters are allowed to kill bears and other wildlife for sport. |
The 2012 coastal trophy hunt continues through June and starts up again in September. We will continue to witness, document and confront along with the Guardian Watchmen, the Coastal Grizzly Patrol and others. Please make your voice heard so we can see celebrate the day that coastal wildlife are afforded true sanctuary.“ |
Derweil bewirbt Steve Thomson, der seit der Kabinettsreform jetzt auch für die Jagd zuständige Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in der neuen 2012 – 2014 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis die neue Jagdsaison 2012/13: „Welcome to the 2012/13 hunting and trapping season! Hunting and trapping is an integral part of the social fabric of British Columbia, providing amazing opportunity to appreciate our province’s wild spaces, and the creatures that dwell in them. Hunting not only provides recreational opportunities for residents of the province who appreciate nature and enjoy the experience of being in the outdoors, it also augments British Columbia’s tourism industry, further spreading the word around the globe of our exceptional wilderness.“ |
Welch erbärmliche Ansicht eines Ministers, der unter anderem das Jagderlebnis beim als Sport bezeichneten Töten von Bären und Wölfen als großartige Freizeitbeschäftigung preist, als Outdoor-Erlebnis zum Genießen, zu dem er immer mehr Menschen ermutigen möchte. Sein Ziel ist es, die Anzahl der vergebenen Jagdlizenzen von derzeit ca. 96.000 auf 100.000 im Jagdzeitraum 2014/15 zu steigern. Es ist zu hoffen, dass er wenigstens hierbei keinen Erfolg haben wird. |
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