Als Reaktion auf die Entscheidung der kanadischen Regierung, den Bau der Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline und den Öltankerhafen in Kitimat zu erlauben, werden die Frauen der Gitga’at First Nation am 20. Juni symbolisch mit Fischerbooten und einer gehäkelten Wollschnur als „Kette der Hoffnung“ den Douglas Channel blockieren. Der Douglas Channel ist jener enge und gefährlich zu navigierende Fjord, den bei Realisierung des Projektes jedes Jahr mindestens 220 Öltanker, gefüllt mit dem extrem umweltschädlichen Öl aus den Teersanden Albertas, passieren müssten, vorbei an Hartley Bay. Unter www.chainofhope.ca können Sie ihre Solidarität mit der Gitga’at First Nation in ihrem Kampf gegen die Northern Gateway Pipeline und den drohenden Öltankerverkehr im Douglas Channel ausdrücken. |
Die Aktion „Chain of Hope“ wird nachfolgend erläutert: |
„On June 20, 2014 the Gitga’at First Nation will stretch a crochet chain across the Douglas Channel as a show of solidarity against the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and oil tankers project. All shipping will be stopped. Help us send a message to Enbridge and the Canadian government by building a Chain of Hope across BC and Canada! |
About the Chain |
On June 20, 2014 the women of the Gitga’at First Nation will lead a symbolic blockade against the Northern Gateway pipeline by stretching a crochet ‚Chain of Hope‘ across Douglas Channel to show their opposition to oil tankers and oil spills in BC’s coastal waters. Made of multicolour yarn and decorated with family keepsakes and mementos including baby pictures and fishing floats with written messages on them, the chain will stretch from Hawkesbury Island to Hartley Bay, a distance of 11,544 feet. The Chain of Hope itself is over 20,382 feet long and was stitched by the women and children of the Gitga’at First Nation with their friends and family across BC and Canada. |
A History of Hope and Courage |
The Gitga’at First Nation lives in the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest on the North Coast of British Columbia. They are known for their incredible generosity and fearlessness on the water. In 2006 the Gitga’at rescued passengers from the sinking Queen of the North passenger ferry, feeding them and keeping them warm. They were given a Governor General’s award for their efforts. Now the Gitga’at need your help. |
Enbridge, one of the world’s largest oil pipeline companies, is trying to build an oil pipeline and supertanker project that would bring hundreds of oil tankers through the Douglas Channel, a narrow body of water in front of the Gitga’at community of Hartley Bay. A single oil spill from one of these tankers could destroy the Gitga’at food supply and way of life. |
We’ve done this before |
This isn’t the first time the Gitga’at have used chains on the water to stop threats against their people. Hundreds of years ago, the Gitga’at strung a chain made of tree branches across a narrow channel. The chain was used to help keep watch at night by alerting the Gitga’at to any intruders passing over the chain. |
More recently, in 1977 the Gitga’at joined with other fishermen, the United Church and environmentalists to present a united front on the water against the Kitimat Pipeline Company’s proposal to build a supertanker terminal in Kitimat. Using a flotilla of fishing boats, the Gitga’at and their allies confronted the MV Princess Patricia, a cruise ship that was partly funded by oil companies to take local politicians on a tour of Douglas Channel. The confrontation made the television news and was a major embarrassment for government officials and the pipeline company. The terminal was never built.“ |
Diese Aktion ist sogar den Deutschen Finanznachrichten (www.finanznachrichten.de) eine Nachricht wert. Am 17.06. erschien dort ein Artikel mit dem Titel „Gitga’at First Nation Reacts to Harper Cabinet Approval of Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline/First Nation vows to do whatever is necessary to protect their territory from the danger of oil tankers and oil spills“. |
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