9. Januar 2016 |
Neue Jahresbroschüre „Tracking Raincoast into 2016“ erschienen zum 20-jährigen Bestehen der Raincoast Conservation Foundation |
Chris Genovali, Executive Director der Raincoast Conservation Foundation, stellt die neue Broschüre “Tracking Raincoast into 2016” vor und schreibt: “Over the past two decades, Raincoast has delivered on our mission to protect the land, waters, and wildlife of coastal British Columbia. We have produced more than a hundred peer-reviewed journal articles and dozens of reports, which we use to hold government and industry accountable, influence policy, and argue precedent setting legal victories. Our documentaries, popular articles, widespread media coverage, and community events have informed millions in Canada and around the world. This awareness has inspired tangible conservation progress for killer whales, salmon, wolves, grizzly bears, and all of the wildlife that help define Canada’s Pacific Coast.” |
Titelbild: Spirit Bear mit erbeutetem Lachs © Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Andy Wright |
Unter http://www.raincoast.org/2015/12/tracking-raincoast-into-2016/ können Sie „Tracking Raincoast into 2016“ als pdf herunterladen. |
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