bears and more • Klaus Pommerenke
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12. Mai 2016
Coastal Revival – fünf Kurzfilme von Brandy Yanchyk über den Great Bear Rainforest
Die Dokumentarfilmerin Brandy Yanchyk hat fünf wundervolle Kurzfilme über den Great Bear Rainforest und seine Gewässer, die Arbeit der Raincoast Conservation Foundation und den Einsatz der First Nations zum Schutz dieser Lebensräume für Bären, Wale und andere Wildtiere gedreht. Die Filme (Länge 8 -9 Minuten) sind nun kostenlos online zu betrachten unter
„Meet the people who are using ecotourism to keep British Columbia’s coast alive. Coastal Revival tells the story of how passionate environmentalists and First Nations peoples are using the power of ecotourism to preserve the majestic animals of British Columbia’s coast”, heißt es auf der Website von Coastal Revival. Die Filme haben folgende Themenschwerpunkte:
“Episode 1: Raincoast’s fight. Travel to the Great Bear Rainforest where the Raincoast Conservation Foundation is fighting to save grizzly bears.
Episode 2: Banning the trophy hunt. Travel to Klemtu to meet the Kitasoo Xai’xais First Nations who run a thriving bear viewing business.
Episode 3: The Spirit Bear. Meet the rare Spirit Bear and the Gitga’at First Nations who teach others about its beauty and importance.
Episode 4: Revival of the Humpback Whales. Visit the Great Whale Sea to witness the magnificence of the humpback whale’s revival.
Episode 5: The marine detective. Meet Jackie Hildering, aka The Marine Detective, a woman dedicated to teaching people about the revival of humpback whales in her work with the Marine Education and Research Society“.
The Raincoast Conservation Foundation schreibt in ihrer Presseerklärung vom 5. Mai 2016 zu den Filmen, an denen auch maßgeblich Brian Falconer, Marine Operations Program Coordinator und Kapitän des Forschungsschiffes „Achiever“ der Raincoast Conservation Foundation, beteiligt war: „Coastal Revival documentary series shines a light on iconic species and ecotourism on BC’s coast. … a new five-part documentary series, Coastal Revival, by Canadian filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk tells the story of how First Nations, conservationists, researchers and ecotourism are combining to protect some of the most emblematic wildlife on BC’s coast. From Spirit and grizzly bears to humpback whales, the documentary charts successful efforts and key characters behind a coastal revival decades in the making.
Episode one follows the Raincoast Conservation Foundation as they guide would-be grizzly hunters to shoot grizzly bears, but only with cameras. Raincoast’s Brian Falconer said, ‘When I first started coming to these places people carried bear bangers, they carried shotguns. The relationship we had with the bears was very different. It was avoid, prevent and defend. Now it’s respect and interaction and that’s a complete shift.’
Director, Brandy Yanchyk said, ‘The Kitasoo Xais’xais and Gitga’at Nations now have thriving businesses, providing local employment and bringing people from all over the world to view the elusive Spirit Bear and learn of its cultural significance.’ The documentary also travels with Guardian Watchmen who actively patrol First Nations territories to enforce a ban on trophy hunting not currently recognized by the provincial government.
Later episodes tell the remarkable story of researchers at Cetacealab and the ‘Marine Detective’, Jackie Hildering who in her work with the Marine Education and Research Society has been monitoring a humpback whale recovery and working to address emerging threats. She notes how ‘the revival of humpbacks provides us with an opportunity to remember our capacity for positive change and reminds us of how we’re still impacting them and, therefore, ourselves and the ocean we depend upon.’”
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