bears and more • Klaus Pommerenke
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8. Dezember 2014
Neues Buch von Ian McAllister
„Great Bear Wild. Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest“
Das neue Buch von Ian McAllister „Great Bear Wild. Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest“, welches im November 2014 erschienen ist (University of Washington Press/Greystone Books) zeigt die einzigartige Schönheit des Great Bear Rainforest und seiner Gewässer. Das Buch ist bislang nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar, jedoch auch in Deutschland erhältlich. Die University of Washington Press beschreibt Ians Buch mit seinen neuesten faszinierenden und spektakulären Aufnahmen: „The Great Bear Rainforest is the fabled region that stretches up the rugged Pacific coast from the top of Vancouver Island to southern Alaska. A longtime resident of the area, award-winning photographer and conservationist Ian McAllister takes us on a deeply personal journey from the headwaters of the Great Bear Rainforest’s unexplored river valleys down to where the ocean meets the rainforest and finally to the hidden depths of the offshore world. Along the way, we meet the spectacular wildlife that inhabits the Great Bear Rainforest. In a not-so unusual day, McAllister quietly observes twenty seven bears fishing for salmon, three of which are the famed pure white spirit bear. McAllister introduces us to the First Nations people who have lived there for millennia and have become his close friends and allies, and to the scientists conducting groundbreaking research and racing against time to protect the rainforest from massive energy projects. Rich with full-color photographs of the wolves, whales, and other creatures who make the rainforest their home, Great Bear Wild is a stunning celebration of this legendary area.“
© Ian McAllister, Pacific Wild/University of Washington Press/Greystone Books
Einen wunderschönen fünfminütigen Film (behind the scene video of the making of Great Bear Wild) finden Sie unter
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